Group Fitness | Powell Fitness Center

Powell Fitness Training Center has professional trainers that can help you in your workout routines to truly challenge you to be at your best. One way to accomplish this, and a more affordable option, is through a small group of people whose membership may vary by the day, but who generally work out at the same pre-appointed time and place — as a group, with a trainer, or simply in the same vicinity as one another.
People who like to combine social time with exercise; coworkers, students or parents whose schedules align; cyclists, walkers and runners, or any group of fitness-minded friends will benefit greatly in a group. This is also great for people who like the interaction of a group but may not want to participate solo in a bigger group fitness class.
Whether you’re jogging shoulder-to-shoulder with buddies or simply glancing across the fitness floor at familiar faces, there’s a strong motivation in the feeling that “we’re all in this together,” A group normalizes the need to maintain effective health-and-fitness behavior and promotes a feeling of community.
If you’re feeling challenged or losing steam during a workout, you can look around and find a bit of empathy or encouragement from your peers to pull you through. “The group provides a vehicle for support, for problem solving, or to gently confront and hold one another accountable if an individual is straying from the goals,” so says Kim LaRosa, owner of Powell Fitness Center. Partnering with more than one person also acts as a safety net; if one person bails, there are others who will still show up
It can be more difficult to schedule workouts with multiple people, so you’ll want to develop a reliable system through one of our professional trainers. Pick regular workout times and stick to them, even if one group member doesn’t show. It can be a challenge to find or design workouts that meet everyone’s needs; good communication and periodic goals evaluation are key. Or you might try regularly attending a group fitness class together.
You will find our trainers are very focused on bringing the group to work as one unit. This provides a sense unity so each person is challenged to their greatest potential.
For more information; please call Powell Fitness Center at 614-216-8972.