Junior High Athletic Training | Clark Gadd Fitness

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3967 Presidential Parkway
Powell Ohio 43065

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In Junior High, it is becoming more common to have your child work with a personal trainer. Whether it is to improve performance in Speed, Agility, Endurance, Speed or to gain weight, Clark Gadd Fitness specializes in working with Junior High Athletes in Columbus and Powell Ohio. It is important that you place your child into the hands of a professional trainer, not just someone who ‘says’ they are able to work with them, but one who has experience and wants only the best for your child.
Here are four benefits of working with a personal trainer for your Junior High Athlete:
The first benefit to having a personal trainer is they can design workouts to achieve specific fitness goals. Whether it’s to build up the chest, build core or to get in the best shape possible for a junior high athlete, an experienced trainer can get you there. In addition to achieving your goals, you should achieve this in a timely manner with a personal trainer, which is a huge perk. It’s like being able to rub a lamp and ask the fitness genie for anything you want.
The second benefit is that the personal trainer should create a unique program designed specifically to achieve set goals. Every trainer should captivate, stimulate and engage the child as they achieve fitness goals, whether it’s unique power sets or mixing in cardio to the workout. The bottom line is when they are trained with a personal trainer, it will be unique and powerful enough that they will obtain set fitness goals fast and with safe results.
The third benefit is that your child will learn specific and unique exercises that combine several muscle groups to save time and create efficiency with these workouts. Plus, they will be able to carry that knowledge for the rest of their life. One of the most important things is learning new exercises. This creates muscle stimulation so your body will never adapt to the same workout, creating great results within your body.
The fourth and in our opinion, most important benefit is injury prevention. You don’t want your child to become injured at an early age (or any age) which can stop future goals in their tracks. Your trainer will always, always be specific in form and function, while teaching injury prevention.
Your trainer will make sure you are following through with correct form, cares about you as a client and not his ego, and always slips in exercises to make their weaknesses strengths, like lower-back exercises and rotator-cuff exercises for your shoulders. Working out is great, but a point in the right direction is priceless.
Call Clark Gadd Fitness today at: 937-243-8896.