Judo | Ronin TC
Judo is practiced worldwide, in just about every country on earth. There are over 700 Judo dojos listed on the Judo Information website for the United States alone. Why are the numbers so important? Because self-defense or martial arts training should not be isolated to a weekend seminar. Such training does not even get you to the "I know enough to be dangerous" level.
To be proficient in any martial art one should practice with diligence and over an extended period of time. With judo you can be quite certain that wherever life takes you, Ronin Training Center of Columbus Ohio will be right there to help you in your walk.

We teach many different techniques of Judo:
Grips and the Utilization of Clothing
Grappling over Striking
Explosive Newaza (Groundwork)
Ukemi, the Art of Falling
Shizentai, The Natural Stance
Uchikomi and Muscle Memory
Randori and Shiai (Free-practice and Competition)
Judo, The Giving Way
A Sport for All Ages and Abilities
All of these techniques added together lead to winning in any given situation. Unlike martial arts competitions, the battle field and the streets do not segregate participants into weight classes. A 160 pound solider may be facing an enemy weighing 200 pounds. If the 160 pound soldier were to engage his adversary in a head on strength versus strength confrontation, surely he or she would be on the losing end of the stick. The principle of ju, or "giving way" attempts to minimize physical disadvantages in height and weight. The founder of Judo, Dr. Jigoro Kano explains it best: "To understand what is meant by gentleness or giving way, let us say a man is standing before me whose strength is ten, and that my own strength is but seven. If he pushes me as hard as he can, I am sure to be pushed back or knocked down, even if I resist with all my might. This is opposing strength with strength. But if instead of opposing him I give way to the extent that he has pushed, withdrawing my body and maintaining my balance, my opponent will lose his balance. Weakened by his awkward position, he will be unable to use all his strength. It will have fallen to three. Because I retain my balance, my strength remains at seven. Now I am stronger than my opponent and can defeat him by using only half my strength, keeping the other half available for some other purpose. Even if you are stronger than your opponent, it is better to first give way. By doing so you conserve energy while exhausting your opponent."
Ronin Training Center believes a self-defense curriculum should incorporate techniques that can be performed by the average person. Martial arts styles that are reserved for the physically talented offer little to the general public as a whole in terms of self-defense training. This may seem to be the case with judo, but the opposite is actually true. Walk into any judo dojo and you will find a variety of judokas, not just super athletic human specimens. You will find judokas from all walks of life, both men and women, young and old, and just about every body size and shape imaginable. Even those physically impaired participate in judo. In fact, of all the contact Olympic sports which include wrestling, judo, taekwando, and boxing, judo is the only combat sport included in the Paralympic games. After all, it is those in society who are at a higher risk to unsolicited attacks who are more in need self-defense training, not the physically gifted. Judo is a sport for anyone who wishes to participate in it, regardless of athletic ability, age or gender.
We would love to share some classes with you. Please contact us. We will be attentive to your physical and mental situational presence when we meet, and walk you through an effective course of action.
1012 West 3rd Ave.
Columbus, Ohio 43212
Mon - Fri: 9am - 8pm
Saturday: 9am - 1pm
Sunday: 11am-1pm