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Top 5 Ways to Keep Your News Year Resolutions!

Many people will start the New Year's resolution today but according to the U.S. News, about 80% of these resolutions will fail by February. If you plan to be successful you are probably going to need some help! Below, these are five of the best tips in keeping your 2018 New Year's resolution.

1. If You Have Fitness Goals, Grab A Friend

Everyone would like to become a healthier version of themselves over the next 12 months. This is probably the most common goal for people with a New Year's resolution, so you probably know somebody with the same goals. I know personality, I am much more likely to make it to the gym in the morning if I know somebody is counting on me to be there with them. Having a workout partner also makes the workout more fun and will keep you more accountable once the initial excitement of the resolution is gone.

2. Write Your Goals Down

Writing down your goals for the new year will stop you from mentally changing them (for the worse) when you start to believe you might have set the bar too high. There is no back tracking if the goals are written down because they can not be changed. You should also start a journal to track your process. This can be extremely encouraging when you feel like you are no longer making progress but you can look back and see how far you have come.

3. Create Timelines for your Goals

A goal without the extra planning of a timeline is just a wish that you hope happens. A little extra planning ahead will go a far way. Give yourself a reasonable amount of time for each minor step in your overall goal.

4. Expect Problems

A year is a LONG time and will not be sunshine and smiles the whole time. Expect these problems to occur and do not let them ruin your goals. A major change in your life will not happen over night. Do not let one bad day ruin all your progress to your goals. Expect for the worse so the best will happen.

5. Reward Yourself

It is important to have cheat days in your diet or to take an extra recovery day from exercising. If you met or exceeded a certain goal within the time frame you created, reward yourself! You deserve it and should use that reward as motivation to meet your next goal.


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